Oh where or where have all the buyers gone?

Has anyone noticed that NOTHING is selling around here anymore? Not just around here, but used audio in general is taking a big hit and there is a ton of merchandise that is for sale that never even gets a response.

I have put several items up for sale at very aggressive pricing and have had little or no replies from buyers. Sure the views are high, lots of lookers but all of the buyers have just disappeared. Am I imagining this or are others observing the same things?
I think its just the time of year. When the summer begins sales go down. It seems to happen every year at this time.
I sold a bunch of stuff here in the last 60 days. Maybe I'm pricing it to low. :^(
I agree that it is just a seasonal shift. I sell motorcycles for a living and people won't buy if the sun isn't showing it's self that day, like it may never shine again. People are just out in the yard or getting the boat ready or hopefuly out buying a new bike! Wow, some of you guys are so gloomy. I can see the Agon ads now,"Priced to go, must sell quick before the end of the world"!

I would agree with the economic turns, but that said, I did look at some of your recent pricing, and it also is paired with that. In a recent add you have listing a pair of Aerial 10Ts for $4,600 I wouldn't call aggressive. DON'T get me wrong, I own 10Ts and they are worth all of the $4,600 to me. I have noticed several 10Ts available in the past month for less than $4,000, some newer than others, some black, and some Rose Walnut. In the world of audio, people like to use the 50% off retail as a gauge (key word here) for the value of their preowned item. If I see 6 sets of Aerial 10Ts, relatively the same situation, which I would INCLUDE the rating of the individual and happily paying a touch more for feedback, that ranged from $2,850 (listed today with a crack in the head) to $4,000 with boxes in mint shape, you probably don't even get an email.
The point of that comment is the 50% retail is nothing more than a guess, the true value (of anything from cars, to stocks, real estate, or audio) is what the 'going rate' is. If all 6 were selling similar items for $3,400, your speakers are not worth more than $3,400.

The question I would ask, as I have noticed some of this myself, is why so many fire sales? Taxes, recession????
This is what brings the values down.

Now, if someone was ready to purchase a set of Rose Walnuts and there were no others being sold recently, you would probably get your $4,600 as that is a great valued speaker for this amount!

The bottom line, we all have it made to have the ability to buy, use, and sell items at our leisure!

Good luck with your Aerials. For what it is worth, I know someone looking for Rose Walnut, wants to buy, has cash ready, but doesn't feel more than $4,000 is the right value.
If you decide to sell those particular speakers, I will pass his email on to you and vica versa.

I think that EVERYTHING has slowed down economically. My personal business has slowed somewhat and in turn, so has my personal spending.

Glen: When you get to the "giving it away" stage, PLEASE just send me an email rather than posting it on A-gon. I might even help you out on the shipping charges : ) Sean