In my experience, not only to different digital cables sound different, they actually have distinctive sounds. For example, I have a Goldmund cable that is consistently bright sounding, and a transparent Audio reference cable that is consistently warmer, smoother and more organic sounding.
I actually took a break from the hobby for several years and became skeptical of a lot of my audiophile beliefs, including my belief in the potential efficacy of cables and accessories. I was auditioning two components using both of the above digital cables, and the one using the Goldmund was simply bright and harsh. So, with much skepticism, I decided to switch the cables and wouldn't you know, the component that previously sounded harsh now sounded smooth and rich with the Transparent cable. It was like a different system.
I actually took a break from the hobby for several years and became skeptical of a lot of my audiophile beliefs, including my belief in the potential efficacy of cables and accessories. I was auditioning two components using both of the above digital cables, and the one using the Goldmund was simply bright and harsh. So, with much skepticism, I decided to switch the cables and wouldn't you know, the component that previously sounded harsh now sounded smooth and rich with the Transparent cable. It was like a different system.