After several years on the cable merry-go-round, I've gotten off and find that in a DBT, nobody in a group can tell any difference. I had Kimber, Crystal, Nordost, Cardas and finally an entire loom of Synergistic Research. I'm now running Mogami interconnect and speaker cables I picked up second hand for $100 total, so the percentage rounds down to about 10% only because I still have a Synergistic Research Powercell 4 with T3 SE power cable. I was running a Weiss DAC202 to a Vitus SS-010 so not likely to be bottlenecked by components...
Pop quiz...
1. Who is happiest when electrons pass through a few feet of megabuck exotic wire?
a) the electrons
b) the audiophile
c) the cable vendor
2. Does a $500 bottle of wine taste best when drunk out of a
a) plastic cup
b) crystal wineglass
c) makes no difference if you are just tasting the wine
3. Does upgrading the fuel delivery tube in a Ferrari 458 from rubber to one made of a space age polymer increase the power output of the engine by:
a) 50hp
b) 10hp
c) zero
Think about your answers...
Pop quiz...
1. Who is happiest when electrons pass through a few feet of megabuck exotic wire?
a) the electrons
b) the audiophile
c) the cable vendor
2. Does a $500 bottle of wine taste best when drunk out of a
a) plastic cup
b) crystal wineglass
c) makes no difference if you are just tasting the wine
3. Does upgrading the fuel delivery tube in a Ferrari 458 from rubber to one made of a space age polymer increase the power output of the engine by:
a) 50hp
b) 10hp
c) zero
Think about your answers...