Suggestions for Cables all with Krell

I'm looking for suggestions for the best cable combination with Krell gear. I have a Krell 500i, 300cd which I use for two channel. If anyone has good suggestions for power, speaker, and interconnect cables, I'd love to hear it... but I'd also like to know what you like about the cables and what expect when listening to them on Krell gear.

I currently use Cardas Neutral Reference speaker cables and have an Audioquest Viper ballanced interconnect between the 500i and the 300cd. I'm not too thrilled with the Audioquest but it does sound better than "free/give away" RCA cables. Suggestions please..
I am using FIM Gold power cord on my FPB200, I found this power cord to elevate the performance of my amp, the best power cord I heard on it,I actually have to lower my volume on the KRC3 by two clicks to get back to my normal listening level. With the KRC 3 I'm using BMI's Eel Reference Custom, I tried many power cord on it as well but I kept on coming back to the Eel for it.
Although I have no experience with your amp I would be willing to bet that a BMI WHALE cord will work well with it and they are not real expensive either. I have 2 of them on my VAC amp and like them there. Big soundstage, huge dynamics and very quick and detailed. Most people with the WHALES seem to like them on amps for some reason but your situation may vary. I have a friend with all Krell and he also likes the Transparent cables in his system, he swears by them so that's 2 votes fot them. Good Luck.
Powercord for the Krell - Go for - AUDIENCE!
You will not regret I assure you.
I have Krell electronics and Legacy Focus speakers. After copper vs silver, rca vs xlr, solid vs stranded wires, less than $100 a pair to several hundred a pair I finally settled on Stealth interconnects. Did the same thing with speaker cables. At one point I had AQ Midnight 3 hooked up on one channel and household 12ga on the other---both channels sounded the same. Ended up with 10ga Phoenix wire. Biggest improvement however was speaker placement. And make sure the polarity is the same throughout---a simple thing but so easy to make a mistake with if the wire is not marked clearly, or it is dark in that corner, or you are tired etc. So it is more than just wire-----
Transparent cable and power cords are the best for people who actually listen to great music and are familiar with a live concert experience i.e..Boston Symphony Hall or Kimmel center etc. Much experience and money goes into what I say..not hype or flavor of the month prose! Most people listen to crap however, as evidenced by the dwindling supply of great music at our local music stores.