Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???

While i have my opinions on this subject, i'd love to hear from others that have tried various methods of "burning in" cables, what was used to do it, what differences were noticed ( if any ), etc... Please be as specific as possible. If your a "naysayer" in this area, please feel free to join in BUT have an open mind and keep this thread on topic. Sean
No 70242.241, that's not "the" way to do it. That's "a" way to do it. This is exactly the reason you've been asked to change your aproach. You believe this is the way to do it, there are other ways, to bad you've chosen to not accept that.
Shame on you 702! There you go getting scientific again. You just won't behave yourself. Just because you are an electrical engineer who works in audio and nearly everyone else who posts here doesn't even understand electricity, doesn't give you the right to go making stupid anti-group statements. Right on JD, I'm with you pal.
Shame on you too Stevemj, there you go, protecting the scientific evidence again. Obviously it is more important for you to be "scientific" about all this, than finding what works. As far as 702, I hope that this topic is being monitored, obviously you have even less respect for the people that host us, than those of us that BLINDLY follow the rules. Now that is a blind test! I hope you do not expect us to have any compassion for you when you are banned for failure to follow Audiogon's request. Pretty much tells me what I need to know about your character and integrity. Why would I ever believe in a method set forth by a person who has such blatant disregard for the rules? Or is it a fact that because you are such a clever engineer, that the rules do not apply to you?
I agree with you 110% Albert. I am trying my best to fit in. I have expressed none of my opinions about HIFI stuff for days. Perhaps you could provide me with a list of things that are appropriate for me to say.
Stevemj: Much like the spoiled, obnoxious child who is severely lacking social graces and in need of direction, please allow me to give you the proper direction you so sorely require:

1) Your sarcastic demeanor is inappropriate.

2) Your inability to contribute any meaningful dialog across multi-topic discussions is forgone conclusion.

3) Your banter is ill conceived and mean spirited.

4) You are dreadfully inexperienced, ignorant and you are quickly wearing out your welcome on this site.

Except your failure of refined social skill sets and work hard to improve yourself. Get out of your dull existence and find some attention that will bring you positive fulfillment thereby giving your life validation, credibility and purposeful meaning. I trust this satisfies the request for direction that you asked for. -Jerie