Cable "burning": Real or VooDoo ???

While i have my opinions on this subject, i'd love to hear from others that have tried various methods of "burning in" cables, what was used to do it, what differences were noticed ( if any ), etc... Please be as specific as possible. If your a "naysayer" in this area, please feel free to join in BUT have an open mind and keep this thread on topic. Sean
702442: Allow me to retort. It is difficult for me and many others on this site to indulge your request for clarification as you and your pals ignore repeated requests to post YOUR GEAR and your experiences with them. You hide behind your rhetoric in a transparent attempt to weasel away from the obvious. The simple truth is that you have no experience and are subsequently ignorant. None of you have exhibited a "strong knowledge of audio". In fact even Audiogon has asked that you contribute elswhere in these forums. The truth is that you can't! Your inability to contribute any meaningful dialog across multi-topic discussions is a forgone conclusion. I stand by what I have written. Your "blah, blah, blah" speaks volumes. It is obvious that your inability to hear differences is solely due to the fact that you just don't listen. C'mon pony-boy, post your gear and tells us all about it. Grant all of us the same courtesy we have shown to you over and over again. You won't do it and we all know why. Inexperienced and ignorant. I trust this clears things up for you. -Jerie
Hey 7, I've told you twice this past winter. In that you have chosen to not listen, well I think your not worth the effort. You are the worst of the worst in my opinion, and I have no more time for your games Sir.
702, you wrote:
Albertporter: In what way do I or Stevemj reject "finding what works?" That is precisely
our point, to accurately find what works. I do not fit your profile of the people you know in
audio? I'm okay with that. And I've been involved with a few state of the art audio products
here and there, too, with more in the chute.

My reply:
You reject what works simply by not searching for it. You find solace in the numbers and blind tests, rather than putting great product in real life situations and having the confidence in your own ability to make a decision based on the results.

You do not fit my profile of other engineers in audio as most of them are dedicated to music. I have never heard you speak of a single piece of music, nor of your own equipment. In addition, I know dozens of audio manufacturers on a personal basis, many for more than 20 years. Every one of these people test their creations with music in an audio system. As to your involvement in audio design, reveal what projects you are (or were) involved in, and I probably know the people you work with. In fact, if you posted with your true name, I would probably already know the answer to my question.
The "Cable Cooker" is the best I have used and it does, speaker, interconnects and power cords with superb and noticeable results. Generally, more open, dynamic, detailed and faster. Highly recomnmended!
Today was the day, I was finally going to get this cable thing figured out. After been told by an accomplished recording engineer here at AudiogoN that cable makes no difference either scientifically or in any measurable way, I thought I'd look into what his pears thought. To do this I went through some of the recordings I personally find to be well recorded with above average sonic achievements. I found some extremely enlightening results. First I looked at what the Engineers at Chesky, both Bob Katz and Billy Pilgrim have been using in there recording procedures. I have come to the conclusion that Chesky is actually a puppet corporation of George Cardas's. I was amazed to find that Cardas cables and interconnects are used on all the Chesky recordings I own, oddly no reference to Radio Shack or standard 12Ga spool wire. Knowing this was a fluke and a subsidiary of a larger company I simply moved on.
Next on the review list was Groove Note, surely they have no affiliations. Well I was surprised to find that Michael C. Ross, recording engineer for Groove Note was using Audio Quest cabling. This seems easy to under stand in that we all know Audio Quest gives all the recording studios cabling for free, that explained to me why so many mid-fi studios I looked at also were using Audio Quest. It was at this exact moment that I realized Audio Quest is the "king pin" in the hi-fi conspiracy. Audio Quest, Audio Tekna, Audio Magic, Audio Prism, Audio .... All these companies are mere fronts for the great audio empire run by some as yet undetermined organization with the sole purpose of brainwashing naive audiophiles. At this time I was sure the C.I.A. and organized crime had moved on from the Kennedy assassination to audio, I knew this to be true until I found Keith O. Johnson from Reference Recordings was using M.I.T. cabling, this seemed odd to me, how could a company as respected as RR remain on the outside of the great conspiracy?
Still with no answers I went to the Mapleshade label. This was a no brainier, Mapleshade was surely using Mapleshade cabling. After all they make and sell cables so they wouldn't use another brand, right? Wrong! Pierre Sprey the engineer for Mapleshade used Audio quest and Maple shade. Man, another front corp. I then read the information in the Mapleshade (Wildchild) disk of a fantastic Rasta band *Midnight* "Ras Mek Peace" and a description of the never ending process Pierre went through trying to get the best possible sound. Twice he talks about trying different cables and interconnects, and further discussed using a "weird new silver double-tube wires" on the tape machine that added half octave of base responce. I further learned that they were also using Omega Mikro interconnects in the system. How odd it seems that the one known cable maker is using three or four different brands.
These people, in my opinion are the leaders of the industry and they have all found cabling important enough to list in there bio, and yet "the great engineer" of AudiogoN sees no benefit.
In Architecture the majority of the Architects I know I would not seek out for advice. I know in other businesses that meritocracy is the norm, greatness takes creativity and risk taking. There are bad Doctors, bad Lawyers, bad store clerks, you name it. I hate to say it 70242.241, but I believe you may be just another very average engineer and maybe are not in any position to lecture to us about the state of the art of audio. So for now good-by, J.D.