It is somewhat strange to consider the sale of my NBS Statements to B white as objective proof of the success of an empirical cable experiment (a poet, empirical?:-), since the crucial thing to bear in mind is that with the NBS Statement AND the 47 labs OTA I have at my disposal TWO possibilities by means of which I am able to radically alter my relationship to music at will. Besides, the Statements are needed on account of the fact that I do not yet have enough OTA to outfit my entire system, and now must make do with an NBS/47 combination, with the OTA now carrying the signal from the PhonoCube to the STAX headphone unit, and the phono cable remaining NBS (before, during the 400 hour break-in, OTA was "performing solo" between a CD integrated and the STAX). Once the OTA kit comes from Japan (and the European 47 Labs distributor called me tonight to reassure me that it is indeed coming, thank you) you will bear witness to the results of far more radical and through-going OTA experiments, "incorporations" of OTA that will thoroughly invalidate the warranties of at least two of my components (Sead can probably guess one of these projects if he reflects back on the schematic of my power amp...). If the OTA fails to live up to its promise, imagine my despair at not being able to hook up my NBS Statements again to make contact with my "other enjoyment" because I sold the Statements to B white who is perversely enjoying them (along with his brand new Audiomeca Mephisto II) thousands of miles away from me in the USA. Nevertheless, I somehow have a hunch that I may want to sell the Statements after the OTA kit arrives (as a matter of fact, I DID sell off some NBS cables here in Germany after OTA arrived, but these were not Statements: just KS, Signature, Master, but still...); consequently, I will make a promise: if, in spite of my love for NBS, the 47 Labs OTA kit renders the NBS superfluous, I will e-mail B white (don't worry, I already have your e-mail address from our previous correspondence) my offer to sell him my Statements (there are 9 of them, but do not hold your breath, because the experiments will take some time ...). For all of you others, this excessive gesture is made out of pragmatic utilarianism to clear away any disruptive, impertinent posts that might upset the very normal, balanced field of exchanges by which we have tried to perfect our understanding of the OTA Cable Kit. To show you how much I want to submit once again to the rationality of facts, a few enquiries: 1.) oxidation on OTA, views? 2.) Caig Pro Contact and OTA? 3.) optimal contact surface area between OTA and the RCA input (reduce or increase, effect on sound, dekay please step in)? 4.) OTA and XLR, balanced format (anybody try it)? 5.) OTA and digital (again, dekay).