Sakura Systems OTA Cable Kit

Has anyone tried this "minimalist" cable kit? After receiving a recommendation from someone with similar musical values to myself, and whose ears I trust, I could not resist ordering one. I will report on how they sound in a few weeks, but am interested in others' opinions too.

For those that have not heard about them look at for an interesting read. The cable sounds as if it is very close to the specification of the conductors in Belden Cat5. So I may have spent around 100 times what the kit is worth. We shall see.

If you have not heard this cable, please don't bother posting your opinions of how it MUST sound here. Nor am I that interested in hearing how stupid I must be to order this kit - it's my money and you are free to make different decisions with yours. Sorry for this condition, but I am bored with those that have nothing positive to offer on this site, and post their opinions based on deductive logic rather than actual experience.
A cheaper alternative to OTA for a lesser price. I am breaking the wire in right now.

You can write me and I will discuss what I found.
In researching Pigment used in Cables I ran accross this. Is this stating that the fact of what pigment you use will make a difference in the way the wire will pass a signal?

"In thin coating applications, such as insulation coatings on copper telecommunication wire, the combined requirements of low coating thickness, high pigment loadings and high extrusion line speeds, demand excellence in pigment dispersibility for successful processing. The table below lists the main products for this application showing both good dispersability and good coloring value."
Abex: the table you proffer seems to be addressing cost efficiency in the manufacturing of pigmented cable and nothing to do with sound. Did I miss something again?

I'm no engineer so forgive the stupid questions - but what is 'pigment dispersibility?' (I can imagine what it is, but i don't think 'dispersibility' is even a word, is it?...maybe.) leaving UV light out of the equation, unless the pigment is leaching INTO (as opposed to around) the wire why would color matter? if it is leaching into the copper atoms, where is the evidence of that and if it exists where is the evidence that it alters the conductance of the wire? or that one color leaching into copper is better or worse than the next? and after all that, why not just use an inert coating?

Call me stupid but I don't understand.

just thought i'd ask.

- actually, don't call me 'stupid;' I'm a crier.
Kub I really did not get what they were trying to address in the table or lit. I was just trying to findout what those who know the technicals had to say about it. Light and pigment color would have no bearing on how a cable reacts I would think.

In a post above someone had alluded to the fact that the Blue Pigment used in the OTA wire had no bearing as to how the cable reacts. I would have to concur with that.

"Dispersibility"! Well you'd have to ask a rhodes scholar about that one. I did not do well in english. Bill Clinton might be able to help,but at a cost. I do not even see a dictionary hanging around.

Found it!Old and yellowing from lack of use,but your right.Webster only shows Disperse-Dipersal and Dispertion as words.Wonder how much that guy got paid for writing that up!Hope I do not ask him for help putting up my website.

Stupidity,I would look up the meaning and it's opposite which is astute ,intelligent,keen. I did not even pick up on the Stupidity of the writer using "Disperse" in such an odd manner. Should be fired!

"Fired?" Whoa! Don't sweat it, Abex; it's not even thoughtworthy. (You won't find that one in the dictionary either. It's my own.)

have fun