Abex: the table you proffer seems to be addressing cost efficiency in the manufacturing of pigmented cable and nothing to do with sound. Did I miss something again?
I'm no engineer so forgive the stupid questions - but what is 'pigment dispersibility?' (I can imagine what it is, but i don't think 'dispersibility' is even a word, is it?...maybe.) leaving UV light out of the equation, unless the pigment is leaching INTO (as opposed to around) the wire why would color matter? if it is leaching into the copper atoms, where is the evidence of that and if it exists where is the evidence that it alters the conductance of the wire? or that one color leaching into copper is better or worse than the next? and after all that, why not just use an inert coating?
Call me stupid but I don't understand.
just thought i'd ask.
- actually, don't call me 'stupid;' I'm a crier.