Shunyata versus Elrod

I have tried Shunyata Anaconda on my CD. I could not try any cables on my Audio Research VTM200 monoblocks because of the 20 amp IECs they have. I also want to test Elrod PCs. Anaconda made my system very transparent, huge soundstage. However, it somehow made the sound very lean. Now I can here all the details. But, it sounds like the body is gone. The piano sounds so lean (but it is just me... A very detailed sound I am not used to) but I hear every finger movement. Then I tried a Kimber Palladian on my CD. Palladian added body to the sound and subtracted the details. The soundstage was also compressed. Black Mamba was in between the two but the details was lacking. I need the details I get with Anaconda and a little bit of the body I get with Palladian. Question 1: (EPS combination) Would EPS 3 Sig on my CD and EPS 2 Sigs on my monoblocks help me to get the sound I want? Question 2: (Shunyata combination) Would Shunyata Taipan's on my monoblocks help the body of the sound I lossed with Anaconda on my CD? I will put down my system so that you can help me better. My System: Audio Aero Capitole 32 bit/192 kHz Audio Research VTM200s Sonus Faber Amati Kimber Select 3038 Speaker cables and 1130 Interconnects. (AA connected directly to my amps)
We like the Anaconda 'Alpha' on the AA Capitole mk II and the Anaconda 'Vx' on the amps (in a all Nordost Valhalla system)... but there are others who do the opposite. The Anaconda 'Alpha' is a helicial design like the Shunyata speaker cables and has a sound with a 'tighter focus' as compared to the 'Vx' which has a more open, relaxed sound.

You need to find a dealer that will let you try out various combinations (made much more difficult by the 20amp IEC on your VTM200) to see which one(s) you like. Unfortunately, there are not many dealers that carry both the brands of powercords you are interested in...

-Mike (Shunyata dealer)
I owned both Shuntyata and Elrod cords, although not the Anaconda but have extended listening sessions with it.

IMO, you're not going to get the extra body with the Elrod (comparing against the Anaconda VX), neither would the Taipan. The Elrods will give you added transparency, better clarity and a wide soundstage, the Taipans more speed. Sounds like you might want to try the Python which has a warm tonality without sacrificing detail.
I have them all Elrod sig 2,3 shunyata anaconda vx, and alpha it is really depend on your system (synergy). Elrod is more refined, smoother, extended soundstage. Shunyata anaconda alpha is focus and helical everything seems to tighten from top to bottom but not as smooth and relax as elrod like Mike said from audiofederation. Good luck and have fun.
Thanks Goone...

I have been trying the anaconda VX on my Capitole MK2 for a week. I think I am getting used to it and started to like the sound (even though it sounds extremely polite, what I call diet sound). However, when I plug back the Palladian or the Mamba I get the body back which makes me happy. But then again, soundstage is compressed and details are gone. I haven't tried Elrods at all. I talked with a dealer who sells both brands, he told me elrods the answer... Sometimes I feel like I am asking for Kylie Minogue... I think I will go with the Elrods!
We are a dealer for Elrod, and used to be a dealer for Shunyata. I felt the Elrod's were a much better performing cord. I have recently discovered an Ac cord from Harmonix called the X-DC Studio Master which took me by surprise! They are almost 1/2 the price of the Elrod cords. My customers say they haven't heard anything better at any price. The best part is they require little break-in and you can hear the improvements immediately. I will be testing their interconnects & speaker cables over the next few weeks which are supposed to be excellent as well. The power cords have already found a permanent place in my reference system!