Best bi-wire speaker cables under $1000

I have a Bryston 4BST amp, Bryston BP 25 preamp and I am looking to upgrade my Monster speaker cable. I do not even know where to start these days. My main listening is vocals, specifically female and jazz. Any ideas out there in the Audio world? Your input is greatly appreciated.

Bryan Hodges
Capeguy: I don't want to make it sound like i was challenging Audioengr or anything like that. What i was trying to say is that there are different design approaches and that nobody can design a product that will work universally well when dealing with all of the variables that one can run into. As such, knowing what variables apply to your specific situation will typically give you further insight as to where to look and how best to spend your money. You were smart to call B&W and find out their thoughts on the subject, as they "should" ( not necessarily always the case with every manufacturer ) be familiar enough with their own product to know how to get it to perform optimally.

Other than that, people do hear differently and have different tastes. It is quite possible that even though a product was designed for use in a specific manner, one may find that they like a slightly different presentation than what the designer had in mind for that product. If you can take that product and find a way to make it work to suite your needs / personal preferences, that is great too. So long as one enjoys the music and their system, that is all that matters : )

As a side note, i'd just like to remind people that many of my posts are based on "theoretically perfect audio reproduction" and trying to achieve that with the least amount of compromises. Whether or not one strives to achieve that ( i do ) or can afford the "ultimate system" ( i can't ) is another story. Most of my posts should be taken as food for thought and information to compare with others' points of view. You will have to decide for yourself what you think will work best for your individual application and go from there. Nobody can tell you what you like or can hear better than yourself. Sean

Is it possible for Bi-wiring a speaker to cause an extra frequency dip? For Instance a 2-way might be crossed over
at 2800 would the Bi-wiring add a dip at 600 or so?

I hope the question makes sense? and i would appreciate
your reply.


Depending on the design of the speaker, the individual cables used and how the amplifier loads into the various combos, i wouldn't say it was impossible.

I'm guessing that this is what you experienced when you tried bi-wiring with no other changes being made at the same time ? Sean

Yes im getting an unexpected dip (its actually at 800hz)
my in-room response is +/- 3db worst case.. above 80hz except for 2 spots one at 800hz and one at 2600hz. Now this is with the RS digital meter and 1/3 octave test CD. I have found the RS digital meter to be very unreliable. For instance I used the Infinity RAMBOS (better than 1/3 octave)
measurment and found the RS off by up to 5db on the bottom.
What i havent done is un-biwire and test again.

