Well, I owe a bit of an apology to Rick. I was for a little while of the opinion that I spent "THAT" much for cables and although they sounded good there was no magic. I was thinking that if Gunbei is pleased as punch with his cables then why am I not. I'm a computer tech and am used to troubleshooting things so I went about reducing everything in my system to it's simplest configuration. I noticed that I was getting a fairly loud buzzing from the transformer in my amp when my pre was turned on. This buzzing of the transformer at 60Hz and all of it's harmonics was probably responsible for the lack of authority and tonal balance across the spectrum. Problem was that while I had the pre plugged straight into the wall I had the amp plugged into a computer grade surge protector used as and extension cord really. My place was built in 1960 and no one dreamed back then that anybody would need so many power outlets. I plug the amp and pre into the 20A circuit reserved for my AC unit and "tada"! Bass is back with authority and the highs sound great and there is a excellent overall balance. There is still a slight sibilance on some female voices but part of the problem may be the recordings. On the whole I am extremely happy with my Audition package after less than two weeks of use. I suspect when I get the biwire Audition speaker cables and take the Harmonic Technology I am using for the bass run out that I will get even better sound. I'll keep you all posted. Now to get back to listening to my whole CD collection as I've not heard it before.
The Audition cable have completed my system kind of like icing a cake so to speak. The cake is good with out but no where as good as with.
I don't have to worry about explaining to a wife about money spent on cables but I have some friends and co-workers who are absolutely shocked. "You spent how much for fricken wires?!!!" is a common refrain but when I sit back in the la-z-boy and turn it up to warp 3 I can't hear them anymore. I would recommend any of you do the same if you can.
The Audition cable have completed my system kind of like icing a cake so to speak. The cake is good with out but no where as good as with.
I don't have to worry about explaining to a wife about money spent on cables but I have some friends and co-workers who are absolutely shocked. "You spent how much for fricken wires?!!!" is a common refrain but when I sit back in the la-z-boy and turn it up to warp 3 I can't hear them anymore. I would recommend any of you do the same if you can.