BMI Whale Elite Power Cord for a Tube Preamp?

Is the BMI WHALE ELITE Power Cord a good choice for a Tube Preamp?
I'm thinking of using this PC on my VTL 2.5 preamp. Has anyone tried this PC on a tube preamp.
Is this to much power cord for the preamp. The thing is HUGE!!!!!
Any help or comments on this would be appreciated.
Thanks, Rick.
Ag insider logo xs@2xramond
I used one on my VTL 5.5 for a while, but the Kimber Palladian provides substantially greater openness and harmonic richness.
I use a Whale Elite mk3 on my Lamm LL2 preamp and found it to be the next match. It greatly improved the imaging and resolution. Had the Bmi Shark on it originally then found it best on my Lamm ML2 mono tube amps.