LT: I agree with everything you said in your last post, but this is your prior statement I was mainly responding to:
"Absolute snake oil...The notion that you can 'hear' an AC cable flys in the face of common sense. There have been too many failed 'blind' tests, convincing test data (please don't tell me your hearing is more acute than electronic test equipment!) and not to mention the laws of physics."
This part I must have misinterpreted: "I don't completely discount the possibility that cabling in the signal chain, or even an AC supply cable can make a sonic difference, whether for better or worse. The caveat is: there MUST be a measurable difference in electrical parameters to explain it..." I took that to mean that you doubted such measureable differences really existed. (Not to mention maybe even a few we don't know to measure for...)
Also 'for the record': I've personally never spent what I consider to be unreasonable prices for PC's (used, natch), but even so, some of those I was eagerly hoping for an improvement with I turned out not to like the sound of. I'll have my worms fried, whether canned or fresh, on the theory that you can eat just about anything if it's fried (...and some might say you can also *hear* just about anything if *you're* fried ;^)