Dakiom Feedback Stabilizers............

This is the best tweak I have ever come across!, www.dakiom.com , it does less harm to the music than the Bybee's does......... I have these connected to all my components, these are a must have for all music lovers out there.......Richard
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Yes Tvad, you are right about that, I am also putting some Walker Audio: Super Silver Treament, www.walkeraudio.com ,on the tips of the RCA connectors on the R103 feedback stabilizer, it sounds a lot better with this stuff on these stabilizers!.........Richard
After putting the Walker Audio: super silver treatment on these A103 and R103 feedback stabilizers I think these stabilizers would give those Triphasers a good run for the money! I only wish I had the money to compare them now!......Richard
With Tvad's caveat about trying things in your own system in mind, I say this: Triphasers still beat out the Dakioms by a WIDE margin - in my system.

I have had Level 25 line and speaker level Triphasers in my system. I still have the speaker Triphasers in to this day. The improvents in focus, soundstage, dynamics, and overall "musicality" were second-to-none when it came to tweaks in my system. That list includes the Dakiom's, Bybee RCA Inlines (not the slipstream), and BV Audio SR-10 unit (which is a powered unit).

The only other piece that I'd rank up there with Triphasers is the Taddeo Digital Antidote II active version. It has improved almost anything digital I've had, including Sony SCD-777ES, mod'd Sony and Pioneer players, Arcam CD-73T, and many cheap players. But again, this is an active unit; their passive Antidote, at $120 delivered, may be a great deal as well. I had one of those, but it's been too long since I used it so I can't reasonably compare it to anything.

BTW, I have the Mapleshade Silver treatment, seemed to make a very subtle and slight improvement in clarity in my system. I treated my interconnects from mod'd Pioneer universal player to my integrated amp (Belles 250i). Richard, I like your thought of treating the Dakiom's; I should try that some time soon....unfortunately, I don't have the line-level Triphasers anymore to directly compare.


Todd - chams_uk
Chams_uk, The Dakiom stabilizers sound better and better as time goes by, and sound best when they are connected to every component in your stereo system. Todd, how long did you try out the Dakiom stabilizers before you sent them back? And Todd the Mapleshade silver treatment is a good product but it is not as good as Walker Audio super silver treatment, the SST has a more lifelike sound than MST does.........Richard