Harmonic Technology Cyberlight cables

Has anyone tried these? Do you know of another manufacturer making a cable with the same technology?
I didn't bash the cable at all. I suggested, and rightly so, that the price was fabricated to put these cables in the same leaque with other high priced cables. I also said that I probably wouldn't be discouraging anyone inclined to buy them. I would be willing to bet that construction cost on this cable would allow it to be sold for $150 rather than $1500. You probably don't know very much about cable technology, otherwise you would realize that, outside the box or not, technologicly speaking, there is nothing bleeding edge about this cable. Optical cables have been around for ages but no one has bothered to apply it to analog. I would love to have these some of these cables just because of the elimination of the electrical ground. You'll probably never see them in my system though because of the markup.
I have to disagree with two of your statements, Brad.

"For every electron that comes into the system, it outputs 1 photon into the fiber and then back."

A one to one ratio here is of no consequence in terms of retrieving the whole signal at the receiving end.

"The Cyberlight wire's input and output are pure R."

I may be nitpicking here but there is no such thing as a pure R with no capacitance or inductance. It may be significantly lower than in normal wires, and this would be a good thing, but....
Regarding breakage - partially humorous statement. Just that normal cables never break by continuously passing signal. Seems like a lot of different elements and complicated trickery going on with these.