Harmonic Technology Cyberlight cables

Has anyone tried these? Do you know of another manufacturer making a cable with the same technology?
With such a short warranty, how will the resale value of these cables hold up? Will it be like buying a used cartridge (ie, something that has wear and a lifespan) on audiogon?
For those of you who have tried the HTC cables, tell me about the power supply. Has anyone tried both the wallwart and the high buck power supply? I did speak to someone who had some issue with the optional power supply but said the factory had told him this was being revised.

What's the experience with the power supplies?
These cables have been out for about a year now. I would like to here from people who have had these cables a long time.
How are they performing?
I know thre has been compatibility problems, but to those that did not have that problem , have you had any other problems?
Will they last for the long term ?
I tried the optional battery supply and it was an improvement over the wall wart.