I've all the gears. Whatelse do I need?

Hello everyone,
It took me 4 months to research and get all these used gears: Triangle Celius ES, Primaluna Prologue 2, and Rega Jupiter 2000. Whatelse do I need to get these guys to make sound? I already spent $3,500 for my first Hi-fi system.
I'm running out of my bullet. I'm tryig to find something under $300 or $200 if possible. Please help. By the way, I love warm sound but very detailed sound.

Thank you,
Kublakhan is right! I've been using my patent-pending "Air Cables" for years to listen to my air guitar, and the combo sounds awesome to me.
Signal Cable, Audio Art and Mas are all excellent and you could do ICs and SC for less than $200.
Job well done! I think you made excellent choices for a good system synergy. At the level you got now, you will really start to reap some benefits of good cables and clean electricity. Any power conditioners? What interconnects, speaker cables, and power cables are you currently using?
But to really answer your question directly: What you really need now to make those guys make sound is lots of good redbook music!!!