Breaking in power cords

Can I break in my new power cord by connecting it to a lamp and then leaving it on fulltime? Various threads indicate hundreds of hours of break in time in the audio system, and I don't want to wait months and months for the benefits. Has anyone tried this method?
I received hate mail! It's been quite a while since that happened. The text is as follows:

TO: Psychicanimal

Fuck you piece of shit. \
Go back to your welfare low end spic apartment.

I know where you live stuupid spic.



FROM: (NON-member)

Guess what? The hate mail was sent from AOL Mexico:

Received: from ( []) by (v103.7) with ESMTP id MAILINYI42-7af418f7cf532e; Mon, 08 Nov 2004 09:04:54 -050

It takes all kinds...this time a *cholo malparido*.

Why do you have to break in power cords? The issue of breaking in cables is quite controversial. I think whether a cable, be it an interlink, speakercable or powercord is good or not, could be heard within seconds/minutes. I think you don't need another breaking in period to get a cable sounding good. This is a general misconception. A cable is inherently bad or good sounding, regardless of being broken in or not!
Psychicanimal, I still love ya (platonically speaking, of course!) Absolutely UNBELIEVABLE! At least you have a "fan club". Anyone who would use and email such ethnic slurs has a major brain malfunction. Interesting as well that a person from Mexico would use a slur word for Hispanics (or Latinos, depending upon your location). So any available Sect. 8 housing por mi y mi familia? We wouldn't even mind living next to a "low-life" such as yourself :-)
Ah, that guy doesn't know who I am. If he is from Mexico, I can tell him I went out with one of the Puro Loco Mexican TV program models--no small feat for a "Welfare Spik". Actually, my job position was Sales Manager/Latin America for a very small high tech company ( I had her agree to go out with me before having given my B/card--muy importante--so I *do* have my charm!). Too bad for Sept 11, when I was there and things went down the toilet...she's more mami than Salma Hayek. Problem was that I couldn't sustain her lifestyle on welfare checks...

With psychic power, primal intensity and boogie factor,