Powercords $1000 that beat VH Audio cords

I am looking for a powercord for my tube preamp that easily beats the VH Audio Flavor 2 Cryo.

The most important atrribute for me is natural tone and natural timing.

I think that you are right about system dependency. My plan was to look into the recommendations that I get from this forum. Then buy some of them used and find which works best in my system.

I am using the Emotive Audio Sira preamp - most recent version.

Stehno - I will look into the products that you mention.
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I will search. Iwas looking for info from people who have tried the VH Audio powerecords but have found other powercords that are clearly better. I do beleive in the possibility that one cord can be clearly superior to another.

For example, to me, the VH Audio cord is clearly superior to the Shunyata Sidewinder Gold no matter which comonent I use the 2 cables on.
Krisgel, a couple of thoughts before you give up on a pretty good VH Audio cord and start cycling $1,000 cords.
1. As mentioned above, installing dedicated lines and using good power conditioning will go a long way towards your goals.
2. I second (or third) that the Flavor 4 may be an improvement.
3. Finally, I would also suggest using a cable conditioner such as a the Audiodharma Cable Cooker or a Mobie (still made?) to burn-in all of your cords (not just the power cords). At a minimum, have you done the one week on the freezer routine to condition the PC's?

I am using the Hydra for powerconditioning.

I did break-in the Flavor 2 on a box fan for a week, as recommended by Chris V.