Best Conductor Materials by Frequency

Someone who's selling an interconnect sent me the following statement about which cable conductors are best by frequency range.

I quote:

"Copper is best from 1 to 1,000 Hz
Gold is best from 700 to 1,800 Hz
Silver is best from 1,500 to 14,000 Hz
Rubidium 4 Micron on silver best from 10,000 to 100,000 Hz

These are result of years of test and experiment at Stanford University on best conductor for transferring sound and live music. Result is very linear response for master recording."

Has anyone heard anything about this? Does it make any sense?
I sent a message to the seller asking that. I tried finding information on the web on my own about the study, but could not find anything.
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IMO, it only makes sense if you are "tri-amping", otherwise an audio cable carries EVERY frequency 0 to over 20KHz. And even with tri-amping (say with a Linn system), I kinda doubt too many 'philes would have different metal IC's for each band....