Powercord to tame brightness and add musicality

I have an all Krell system: Krell 28c, Krell KCT and Krell 450amps. What can I use on my cdp to add musicality and lessen digital brightness.
I am using Epiphany currently and might try the Anaconda Vx for my system needs to be more musical. Thanks
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I totally agree with Tvad and Warren. IMHO PC should not change the tonal balance of your components, nor should IC's or speaker cable. If they do its because they are not neutral (tonally) and are actually degrading the signal. They may superficially "sound" better, but when you eventually change out the component that is the cause of the problem you end up having to change out your cabling to match the new components. The only reason to change wire is for increased resolution. IMHO.
I've found that any cord (or wall receptacle) using silver has an inherent quality that I perceive as brightness, regardless of what position I use it in the system.

I also have dedicated lines but that didn't do anything for brightness; rather it helped reduce the background noise level & allows me to turn on the amp w/o tripping the breaker.

Spkrs can contribute to brightness as well as some components but I use cables to fine tune what I have, so in a sense I consider them tone controls.

You pick & choose what works best for you.
Well I agree that power cords should not be used as tone controls, one has to understand that the alternative is to change the equipment. I have used p/c's as tone controls on equipment that was a bit bright or harsh. Sure, the best thing is to sell the equipment, and buy equipment that better suits your taste. The p/c is merely a band-aid that can help you out until you realize that the gear has to go. I didn't feel comfortable telling Nickt to sell his Krell gear. Maybe he doesn't want to for ergonomic issues. I have found that a power cord can smooth out harsh equipment.

Whether the user wants a p/c that will smooth out his system, or to change equipment to more suit his taste is really up to the individual.

The Paragon (Pure Note) pc seems to work for me on my KMA-250s (these are antiques now). It is a very quiet cord with no added brightness. I upgraded from the Sigma model which has been a popular choice for Krell gear (see searches). Price is right.
