Powercord to tame brightness and add musicality

I have an all Krell system: Krell 28c, Krell KCT and Krell 450amps. What can I use on my cdp to add musicality and lessen digital brightness.
I am using Epiphany currently and might try the Anaconda Vx for my system needs to be more musical. Thanks
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Thank you everyone for your inputs. I love my Krell system for what it is: transparent, dynamic, detailed and revealing. I used to have tube gears so just want some of that magical tube sounds in my current system. I do have dedicated lines and a conditioner.
Consider a Tube Preamp to add that magic back into the equation, I don't believe a powercord or even power conditioning can relax Krell control (and the brightness I have found in my past listening experiences) A good balanced conditioner would add some liquidity, plus as others have said the dedicated powerlines is a necessary upgrade.
I just don't believe any power cord will impart significant difference to a bright system. I know some will say it does, however and if they hear it, fine. I don't. I detect small changes but nothing I would lay a systems balance on.
You might want to focus on setup a little more. A lot of times, reflections can be at the root to this.
All this hoopla about power cords leaves me frazzled. Are you using it as a tone control? How do you know it has improved something over just making it different?
Also, Krell does tend to lean towards the brighter spectrum and is a little analytical for my tastes. Good luck