Siltech G5 range compare with Stereovox Reference

I recently acquired a set of Stereovox SEI-600 interconnects with their new terminators. I need one more set of interconnects along with a set of loudspeaker cables. However, I cannot quite make my mind up about the merits of the Stereovox reference cables in comparison with the Siltech SQ-110 G5 cables that I also use.

The back end of my system consists of Audio Research VT-100 power amp, Audio Research LS25 MKII pre amp and Talon Audion Hawk monitors. I would like to purchase the same speaker cable (Siltech LS-188 or Stereovox LSP-600) to go with my selected interconnect.

My question: has anyone experience with these two cables and a second opinion on their strengths and weaknesses and possible performance in my set up?

Many thanks
Oneprof, I've got the new Stereovox with the rounded termination. What differences do you detect in their sound?

I'm becoming slightly more familiar with the Stereovox sound and so feel a little more certain of their distinction from the top of the Siltech G5 cables (the SQ110) but would appreciate other views or suggestions on other interconnects.

Many thanks
Hey Guys,

Just wanted to help here. The new Ref series has two single-ended cable in the lineup: SEI-600s and SEI-600II

SEI-600s is a twin-breakout of two coaxials that are made from the core coax within the SEI-600 original. Thus, the sound of this cable will come closer to the sound of the original SEI-600 because everything is the same except for the connector (which is built the same way, just more termination friendly) and the fact that the secondary shield is not there. This is useful in a rack situation where components are relatively close to one another. As this is a stereo-breakout cable, it's not necessarily the best solution for monoblocks. ;-)

SEI-600II combine the twin coaxes in parallel, summing shields to shield and signal-conductprs to signal. Lower resistance, half impedance, half inductance. This has a very different sound from the original and the 600s. This is a very excellent cable for runs out to monoblocks, but many prefer its sound in the short-run through the rack as well.

Hope this helps!


Many thanks. Mine are the SEI-600s. How long would you think they need to break in fully as they seem to present a slightly bright and etched presentation at present?

Many thanks

Hi Desmond - sorry for the late response. According to feedback and experience: Stereovox cables need about 50 hours to get 80% of the way through break in, with 150 hours to settle the rest of the way.