Sean, torrids are much more expensive than "off the shelf" EI transformers. That and just about everything else you have said in this thread is wrong. If you or anybody else would like to know the truth about transformers used in audio amplifier power supplies it is spelled out very nicely at news letters volume 8 #4 and #5. It is nonsense to think that a manufacturer would save money with a cheaper transformer, then turn around and put 2 into every amp where 1 will do! I know that Bryston amps have really grown in popularity and there is no doubt that the amps have improved in sound quality, at the same time they switched from EI to torrids. Strange thing to happen if EI transformers made better audio amplifier transformers, but they don't, torrids do. I should warn audiogoners that the newsletters contain some pretty contrasting information on a few subjects I have read about in these forums. I know this thread is about 115volt utility supplied mains, so for that subject your brutal reality can also be found within the newsletters. merry christmas (dec.24)