Audience AU24, are they good?

I almost have my system complete, just need a pair of good and affordable speaker cables. My system (budget system):
Jadis JD-3 CD
AudioNote DAC2 (old version)
Sonic Frontier SFL-2 (upgraded some tubes using Siemens & amperex)
Krell KSA-250 (i know it's a very old amp, but no $ yet)
Dunlavy Aletha
Cardas Golden Ref ICs
Cardas Quadlink speaker cables (this may be the weakest link in the system).

So, my wife plan to visit to Singapore, and here is my opportunity to get a pair of good speaker cables (I live in Indonesia, hard to get use stuffs here). Thus, I won't be able to audition whatever I will decide to buy.... I got some offer of:
Audience AU24, Nordost Red Dawn Rev II, Audioquest (forgot the model), and some other. But from all, the Audiences seem quite affordable, about US$525 (single wire, spade ends). The question: how good are they compare to Red Dawn, etc or even my old quadlink? I mostly listen to some pop and light jazz music.

Thanks in advance..
I don't think there are fakes. But there are certainly similar cables circling in Singapore Audio communities. They are probably Mogami 2804 for speaker cable and 2803 for interconnects. A lot of people claim they are similar to Audience in construction, some even dump their Audience for these.... :) I have a pair and I think worth every single penny. Cheers.
I'd certainly like to know which PC took 1000 hrs. to come around; if only to avoid it like the plauge.