DAC help For my tube rig

Looking for some guidance/validation...
Need to add a new DAC to my Shindo Massetto/Montrachet into Devore O/96.
Current list of contenders are:
Auralic Vega (want to add the new Aries streamer too)
Ayre QB-9 DsD
Lampizator G4/L4
PS Audio Directstream

Any thoughts or experience would be much appreciated.
These are all good choices but you need to have some input here. Its no different than the process you went about when selecting your Shindo/DeVore combo (and an excellent combo it is). For me, I love Ayre and wouldn't hesitate to buy a QB-9. But I don't know if you would like it. The Ayre house sound is different than Shindo. What have you actually listened to?
My suggestion would be the AMR DP 777, soon to be upgradeable to the DP 777 SE. Been through more dacs than I can name; most and I do mean most of which are nothing more than the base schematic given with the chip chosen from the factory. Combine stock circuits with woefully inadequate onboard chip-volume controls and another cookie cutter dac is given life. AMR is wholly engineered from the ground up with many unique optimization circuits as well as a true analog relay volume control. I have been happily living with my DP 777 for a little over 3 years.
Of the list and suggestions given so far, My vote would be for the Lampi (with DSD) or the PS Audio D-Stream.

If you hear the Lampi, I suspect you will jump in with both feet!