PS Audio Ultimate Outlet/P300 power cord ?

I am in the midst of getting the PS Audio Ultimate Outlet and the P300 power regenerator. I was wondering what combination of power cords would be best to use with these units. I am using power cords from a few different companies and was wondering if I should be putting the "better" power cord between the Ultimate Outlet/P300 and the power receptacle, or if I should be using the "better" power cord between the UO/P300 and the component (cd, preamp, dvd player). I would like to hear from other PS audio owners to see which combination works best. Where does the power cord make the biggest difference?

I have a good success using costum power cord model
11, but the ref1 dcca extreme is the best I have,
for this application.
I feed my P300 with an Electraglide reference. The P300 feeds my preamp with another Electraglide reference.

I find a crappy power cord in either position is noticeable.
I use my High Current Ultimate Outlets with PS Audio xStream power cords with very good results.