Purist Dominus Ferox vs. Liquid

I can't seem to find any old threads that ask this question although I'm sure it's been asked. What differences do you hear between these two versions?
Twopippis, you know how to ask the tough questions :^).

Both versions are excellent, I have each type in my system right now. The fluid versions are more liquid (not a pun) in the midrange and have a slightly softer overall presentation.

The Ferox version is more dynamic and comes from a blacker background with slightly better frequency extremes on both ends. Like all descriptions in audio, my comments are magnified to describe the relatively small differences in these two excellent cables.

You would not be disappointed in either, used or new. Hope you find one that makes you happy.
I have been trying to find this out also. It seems to me that the fluid should improve the midrange and the Ferox should improve the dynamics.
I have bought a Dominus Ferox power cord that is great!
I have been considering Dominus Ferox interconnects and maybe another Ferox power cord.
Can too much of one kind tilt the sound one way?
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How about if I use a Ferox Power Cord and a fluid interconnect. Is that better than 2 ferox cords? (power cord, interconnect)