Anyone have experience with "Signal Cable" Cables?

Does anyone have experience with the cable from the company Signal Cable -- they post adds in the classifieds on this site. They claim they are the best bang for the buck. Has anyone used them in their system? Results?
I'd second the above remark (Boa2's) to the effect that Signal Cable is a good direction to go for "cable skeptics," who aren't likely to invest in high end cables. I was such a person,and SC double run speaker wire made for an *obvious* improvement over "zip" copper wire, for less than 200 bucks for a long (16ft) run. Can't speak to comparisons with other makes, but I'd expect they'd represent very good value for people in similar circumstances.
I was wrong Snofun,but thanks,I always liked your posts especially on Friday afternoon when we're all kind of gearing up for the weekend.I made the mistake of not leaving my negative side at the door.To me its like a concert here and just about everything should go.I now recognize some of the guys and I am sure they were trying to enlighten in their own way.Moving right along,its now Friday,none of us seem to be stuck on I-45 North and as Jerry would say"Shine your shoes,light the fuse,can you use those old US blues"...have a large day,Bob
I think everyone on here so far, thats left replies, seem to be decent people , just given there opinions.. I just feel will all need to look a little better at what the person with beginning thread is really wanting to know and not what we probably want or our other thoughts , unless asked. Of course there's nothing wrong with a little humor or jokes in between, as long as there not directed towards an individual in a rude manner ect..
Dgplo , please lets us know how the Signal cables turn out for you, if you try them and goodluck.
I have been buying from Frank for 2 years - he has even built 2-3 custom cables for me that worked out perfectly. Nice guy, great customer service and he takes Paypal ... I just love that.

I just upgraded my Levinson's to the Silver Resolution balanced interconnects and I couldn’t be more pleased. My local audio dealer lets me try out cables and I have tried too many to even count ... I keep buying from Frank. Every system has it's own "personality" so I can only speak for my own but Signal Cable works VERY well for me. I'd pick up a used Signal cable or two here and give them a try. Read the reviews ... even the experts say they are a great value. I would avoid taking advice from people who give out blanket statements regarding something as complex as selecting a specific cable, for a specific system, in a specific environment. You just never know until you try. the fact that many of these posts have 2-3-4 other brands listed shows that experimentation can lead you to the right cable for the right application.

I give Signal Cable products two thumbs up!
Honestly; anybody here for a long time either isn't bothered by non specific/--or alternative answeres---- or doesn't read this type / thread.---I think part of the answer includes different opinions.---But,hey,that's just me.