Comparing Virtual Dynamics and Tranparent Audio

Has anyone listened extensively to both and care to offer an opinion?

I put a Virtual Dynamics David XLR interconnect in my system today and I'm impressed. Soundstage seems larger, midrange more realistic and bass tighter. Piano sounds great!

I'm wondering what result I'd get if I replaced my Shunyata Power Cords and/or Transparent Audio Super Speaker cable.

I'm running a Great Northern modded Wadia 860 directly in to a Classe CA-2200 driving Wilson Watt Puppy 3/2's.

To be fair I also plugged into my new dedicated lines today as well so it may be the combination of both.
Nsgarch: I completely disagree with your powercord over-generalization. Different cords yield different characteristics, as least in my system. For example, Elrod Statements are on my back end (wall to conditioner, conditioner to amps), while Electraglide Epiphanies are on my front end. Each cord is best where it currently is and swapping them was nowhere near as effective as their current positions. That is why, for example, Elrod and others differentiate between front end(Sig II) and back-end(Sig I) powercords.

I am also about to receive a VD Revelation PC from Rick S. who said I would hear the most change with the cord on the front end. Does that mean its no good to my amp? Probably not, just that he designed it as more of a "front end" cord.
I currently also have a VD Revelation Signature IC from my CD player to preamp and a pair of Bi-wired Revelation speaker cables driving Legacy Whisper speakers. The system is very resolving as well as dynamic, thanks in large part to the proper matching of power cables to components, IMO.
Fplanner, your experience or experiments may have led you to your particular conclusions. Mine have led elsewhere.

My conclusion about power cords (and I'm sticking to it) is that it's all about power transfer -- the higher and faster the better. I have discovered that certain shielding configurations (when shielding is even used) may yield subtle variations with some front end stuff (especially CDP, CDT, and DACs) but my conclusion is otherwise the same.

Power transfer, of course, is affected by many factors in addition to wire size, but that's still the biggest single parameter IMO.
Thats OK, you can disagree - no hard feelings. I just have a whole lot of audiophiles and companies that seem to agree with my position - Elrod, Shunyata, DCCA, etc., etc., etc. (Also, the Elrod SigI reference above should have read Sig3).

Anyhow, its all a learning process....
I traded all my Transparent Reference cable which I had loved for many years for Virtual Dynamics power cords and cables. They put my system up on their website:
10-12-05: Nsgarch
IMO, power amps are the acid test for power cords. Or to put it a different way: If placing a particular power cord on the power amp doesn't improve the sonics of your system -- specifically: tighter bass, better center fill of the soundstage, better transients and blacker noise floor and (belive it) louder volume at a given preamp setting, then it probably won't do anything special elsewhere in your system (where differences are sometimes a little harder to identify.)

I will disagree with you on this.
IMO, power amps are less likely to display any significant difference among power cords. Especially good power amps with a properly designed power supply.
So saying that if the cord does not make any difference on the amp means that it won't make a difference on any other component in the system just hasn't been my experience.
As a matter of fact, it is the other way around. If a cord makes a difference on digital, that doesn't mean that it will make any difference or will have any positive effect on the amplifier at all. Power cords are not only system-dependent, but also component-dependent.