Cable auditions - Hard Work?

Does anyone find it to be "hard work" to audition cables? I find that I have to be 'fresh' before I can begin to listen to cables. After I begin, I can only listen, with the intensity needed, for a period of about an hour.

As I do A/B comparisons, it sometimes seems, my impressions change as I listen. Sometimes the differences are so small or subtle, that I question if I'm hearing a difference at all. Have I lost it?

How do you folks do your cable auditions? I'd really like to know.

TVAD - where did your post go???!!!! I saw it here last night, but haven't had a chance to post. YIKES!!!
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Hi Tvad

Glad to see you back. :-)
1. It seems resolving to me too.
2. I have never investigated power conditioning. Not really familiar with it or its benefits.
3. Just thinking I might be missing something. I think i'm coming down with "the disease" Adiophilia Nervosa! :( I'm trying my best to keep perspective though. Plus I don't hear obvious differences in the cables I've switched in and out. That's about it.

Thanks for getting back.
BTW - how did you delete a post?
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