speaker cable length question

I am in the prcocess of looking for new speaker cable. I currently use Discovery Cable which is good, but I am looking for something more open and neutral. In any case I can proceed one of two ways:
1. 12 foot runs from amp to speaker
2. Move the amps closer to the speakers which would be inconvenient and have a 2 foot run from amps to speakers.
Question:Would the sound be that much better with a 10 foot shorter run? Some say that with speaker cables, the shorter the better. Should I bother to move the amps from my current stands and put them on amp stands next to the speakers or just purchase 12 foot runs, I know the 2 foot run is less expensive, but my prime consideration is sound. Has anybody out there personally experienced a difference in sound quality with a long vs. short speaker cable run?
Different strokes (or something). My speakers are within 3 feet of my monoblock amps, but 8-foot spaker cables sound better to me than 3-footers. This does follow Pierre Sprey's (Mapleshade) dictum that the minimum speaker cable length should be 8 feet, for what that's worth. Dave
Hi Kj.

I think most likely your best answer is going to come from the manufacturer of the cables you're considering. There is no pat. answer to this question. It depends on whose cabling you're using or going to use.

At one time my own personal experience with many cable makes lead me to believe there was a one trick pony answer. But after seeing a post by Sean in a certain thread earlier this year (which I can no longer find), and considering the uniqueness of our product line (which I had never really done...shame on me), I went back and visited this with our own products. To my surprise, I found my previously held beliefs did not hold up.

Out of this, I've concluded that the answer really should be answered to full benefit by each manfacturer as they should be familiar with how their cabling's topology, build materials, etc. play into their cable's performance as a system of I/Cs and S/Cs and which is better: Longer S/Cs with Shorter I/Cs or visa versa.

For example, Mapleshade, I believe, says the best S/C length is 8ft. I have no doubt that may be true for their offering but it isn't true for us and I bet for at least many other manufacturers.

Again, there is no broad brush stroke answer.

Hope this helps.

Cheers! and Kind Regards,

signal degrades more in interconnects than in speaker cables.
if not enough juice on input your bottom end will dissapear.
for speaker cables it doesn't matter as long as proper gauge and length used for a proper rms or average current.
to define exactly what minimal gauge you need for a given distance you can contact any HD speciallist who has a table to give you the answer.
It depends on a number of things. What your pre amp is feeding to the amps and whether you are using balanced or single ended IC’s for starters. I am running six meter XTR IC’s with a 600 ohm feed from the Aesthetix pre amp to Atma-Sphere mono blocks that are on eight foot speaker cables and they sound much better than when I ran short IC's and or shorter Speaker leads. The eight foot rule seems to pan out here. Another huge sonic benefit to this arrangement as well was getting the equipment out from between the speakers and on an adjacent wall. There are a lot of schools of thought on this subject. Here is one example that seems to break some rules yet works remarkably well. Keep in mind balanced architecture and balanced cables were designed to enable long cable runs to remote recording facilities and are responsible for capturing some of the finest classical recordings we have of all time, without it, these recordings would have been impossible. Later this technology was integrated into most all the recording studios of the world to connect microphones back to mixing boards and tape decks. In many (most) cases, your listening to music recorded through balanced systems. Finally, don't hesitate to speak with your manufacturer for their advise. Happy listening!