Guys, I just was alerted to this thread. I have not heard the Gabriel Golds but one comment by Jmcgrogan2 caught my attention. He said there was agreement about how good gold ics were. I use both Jade Hybrids and Vermeils. Once when I was in Minn. JD humored me in a visit to compare the Jade Golds and the Vermeils. I much preferred the Vermeils. I apparently was not alone in this as JD decided to use gold and silver in the Hybrids. I have compared the Hybrids and the Vermeils on my dac to the linestage and much prefer the Hybrids. So I guess my pecking order is Hybrids, Vermeils, and Golds.
The Jade Golds were not my first experience with gold ics, as I once had the Stealth PGS. Actually, they sound quite like the Jade Golds, causing me to conclude that I must like gold ics.
I would also like to note that the Siltech G5s are outstanding silver with gold interconnects. I once had Compass Lake ics and Emperor speaker G4 wires. The only reason I don't have them any longer is the expense of moving to G5s. The Siltech are IMHO a massive step up from the Nordost Valhallas and the MITs. I am anti-copper wires but certain not anti-silvers.
Just my 2 cents.