Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?

Any one else out there using these Gabriel Gold IC's?
I need to know if it is me or if anyone else finds them as good as me.
I bought a pair on auction a while back and compared them to my Stealth cables.
After about a week of going back and forth I found the Gabriel Golds to have bettered my Stealths and bought more.
Is it me?
Just wondering what some other folks who bought them think of them.
Thanks for the input.
I hear ya Art, that Karan is a fine unit. If I ever decide to go back to SS that would be first in line. I also admit that the heat of the tubes can be a hassle. I've taken to using as quiet a portable fan as I can find, I've tried about 8 or so small fans. It definitely does the job of cooling down the VAC, but yes, it can still be heard faintly from the listening chair when the music stops. However, when the music is playing, I still opt for tubes everytime.

I guess I'm just old school though, as I still prefer vinyl to digital. I just received a new 200g pressing of Holly Cole Trio's Don't Smoke In Bed (ABNC 5006) yesterday and it's sound is so holographic with tubes that I feel I'm in the studio. I'm using much cheaper cables now, as I've downsized, but I find the difference between tubes and vinyl is much greater than the difference in mega-buck cables and less expensive ones. At least for me.

I've heard some very good digital, and I really admire SACD's but for me....vinyl and tubes is like milk and cookies. It's like coming home again after a long just feels right.

Then again.....maybe I just like the extra work of tubes and vinyl..... ;D

Your thoughts and experiences are el perfecto, Juan. I am loving less stuff...but, while my downsizing journey has freed up a lot of space and cable confusion, I think with the cd2 i may not have saved much dough. But the satisfaction is tremendous with the simplicity and i truly feel i have given up very little in the sonic realm. clean and happy. i will miss my vinyl, but in the end all my tunes are a gesture away and all is well in gotham and denmark and hopefully yugoslavia and our own slice of planetary pie....
best, art

You are running a high fever on the vinyl thing.

It will break in time and when it does then you will realize that analog is like an addictive drug that you must have.

Kind of like wondering away from home a bit. As Dorothy said, "there's no place like home". =8^)

I'm still holding Art's modded AES PH-1 phono stage hostage in the closet of my listening room; it's a little honey! I know he'll eventually come around for it...he he.
