Gabriel Gold IC's are they really this good?

Any one else out there using these Gabriel Gold IC's?
I need to know if it is me or if anyone else finds them as good as me.
I bought a pair on auction a while back and compared them to my Stealth cables.
After about a week of going back and forth I found the Gabriel Golds to have bettered my Stealths and bought more.
Is it me?
Just wondering what some other folks who bought them think of them.
Thanks for the input.
Sabai-looking forward to take of the combination of GG and Synergistic items

spell check wow is me!
Sabai-looking forward to your TAKE of the combination of GG and Synergistic items.

Hi Steve, I will be getting the Synergistic Research PowerCell 10SE with the Galileo MPC next month -- which includes their latest Precision Reference power cord. So I will wait a bit before posting a full report here. But I can report a change that I made to my system yesterday that astonished me. I had my GG Reflection power cord connected from my power conditioner to my EMM CDP. On a whim I connected it from my Tesla Plex into my power conditioner -- replacing an SR Master Coupler terminated with Oyaide plug and IEC -- and I plugged the EMM into the power conditioner using the Master Coupler. This has made a HUGE difference in resolution, dynamics and sound stage. I quickly discovered that the GG Reflection power cord gives the best results -- fantastic results -- when used downstream -- its sonic benefits are immediately transferred through the entire system and right through to the speakers. When my PowerCell arrives this configuration will change. The Precision Reference power cord will connect the PowerCell to the Tesla Plex -- and the GG Reflection power cord will be connected directly from the PowerCell's Tesla Plex receptacle to my EMM CDP. After December 20 I will be able to post a full report here. I also intend to do a product review featuring the GG cables, EMM CDP, Merlin speakers -- and my Marantz PM-15 amplifier.
Hi Steve, I should have prefaced my earlier posting by letting everyone know a bit more about the cabling in my system. I have a GG Reflection power cord, GG Reflection interconnects and GG Reflection speaker wires in my system, along with the Oyaide-terminated SR Master Coupler. Hence your question about the synergy between Synergistic Research and Gabriel Gold cables.
Hi Steve, I will be adding the SR PowerCell 10SE to my system in a couple of weeks with the Precision Reference PC and Galileo MPC. I am an irrepressible tweaker. So, in the meantime, I have been busy tweaking -- the result of which is that the Gabriel Golds and Merlins have taken a giant step up in my system. I find it amazing that adding a special tweak can change everything in an instant. This happened when I added Ric Schultz's EVS Ground Enhancers to my system a few days ago. Suddenly Gabriel Golds and Merlins delivered a much higher level of performance -- detail, dynamics and a much fuller sound on the sound stage. The Enhancers came highly recommended but I was not prepared for what happened when I installed them in my system. The inveterate tweaker in me now has me tweaking the Enhancers. I have a box full of small items that I have ejected from other systems over the years. I have the straight version of the Enhancers sticking up through the negative speaker binding posts on the Merlins and my Marantz PM-15 integrated amp. Here's how I tweaked the Enhancers. I popped one Cardas speaker pin (gold-plated) onto each of the Enhancers on the PM-15. An immediate improvement. I was inspired to tweak the Enhancers on my Merlins. So, I experimented with various combinations of terminations. After a lot of trial and error here's what I found works best on my Merlins: a Furutech rhodium spade adapter popped onto each of the Enhancers and then two of the Cardas speaker pins (gold-plated, joined together with their set screws) popped onto one of the Cardas spade forks -- not on both -- on each Merlin Enhancer. Crazy? You bet it's crazy. But it works -- please don't ask me why. I have no idea why. I have spent days A/Bing every permutation you can imagine using these little items. With the above-described combination in my system -- YMMV -- there is the greatest improvement in detail, dynamics, sound stage and ambiance that I was able to obtain after all the experimentation. Of course, I use my "reference" CDs for testing each tweak change -- listening to each CD over and over again -- tweaking -- listening -- tweaking -- listening. The venue is now much more "there" on live recordings -- Bill Evans, Oscar Peterson, Johnny Rivers, Chris Montez, Beach Boys -- you name it. Both live and studio recordings are greatly improved but it helps when the CD is really good quality -- good original recordings or good remasters. But even recordings that sounded "flat" can improve, surprisingly. I had a cheap Duane Eddy CD that sounded like a cheap Duane Eddy CD in my old system. I played it with my new EMM CDP and added the EVS Ground Enhancers. Boy does Duane Eddy ever sound good now. I thought I'd share this with you and those who may be interested in improving the sound in their system. In this case it cost a song -- pun intended -- to get a lot more than song's worth -- A LOT MORE. In other words the improvement was not subtle. The Gabriel Golds and Merlins just keep getting better and better. It's all about synergy. You have a feeling there's a lot more in them thar cables and speakers just waiting to be released then -- wham -- the "more" is suddenly there. I can't wait to add the SR PowerCell 10SE + Precision Reference + Galileo MPC to my system. And a few more tweaks too, of course. I have a feeling it's gonna be "ROCK AND ROLL HEAVEN"!! I saw the Righteous Brothers "Live in Concert" in 1976. Beauuuuutiful!!