Listener magazine defunct ??

I just heard that the recent issue is the last. Being an SET/Lowther kind of guy it was my favorite. Is it true??
Hmmm, I got 2 issues for my subscription price.Where I grew up,people like this got found in the trunk of a car looking rather the worse for wear,but times change ,not always for the better. JK
I talked with Listener last week and they said that would refund everyones money on their remainding subscription. I agree with bday, I will also miss them but rarely found their reviews helpful.
Their billing system is alive and well. I got a invoice for $ 24.00 this week. I will hold on to it now . Thanks for saving me $ 24.00 I will be sorry to see it go. I know they were a little off , but at least they have fun. When I read Stereophile I have a hard time sifting throught the BS like in the New Issue the review of the Accuphase 85 cd player . The reviewer is makeing lots of excuses for the CD player section of a $ 16,500.00 player. I will be sorry to see Listner go.
I like BFS ( Bound For Sound ) but would say that Marty's interaction with specific individuals & manufacturers does influence his likes / dislikes. I think that BFS is more honest than many of the other mag's out there, but not to the point that Marty is willing to "cut & gut" a product. Having said that, BFS is willing to at least make you aware of the shortcomings of the products that they do review. Sean

PS... BFS is strictly a "flyer" type leaflet and not a glossy type rag. Don't expect glossy pic's or ANY form of advertising. If you like to drool over the latest and greatest, you'll have to keep your sub to TAS, Stereophile, etc..