Kubala-Sosna Cables..... I don't get it ?????

Why aren't these cables more widely used by us audiophiles....??? I've been auditioning these interconnects sent to me from a dealer and these are good.....My other cables on the short list to listen to are the Synergistic Absolute Reference X2's, Purist Audio Dominus....they are sweet, coherent, detailed and not popular.....I don't get it !!! Am I missing something ????? Are they just the flavor of the month cable ????
IMO: Kubala-Sosna builds quality products although one could argue about their prices I suppose. But, just like everything in this crazy sport, their products are system dependent. I understand that they might not be the best choice for an already laid-back system. In the right system they might be just the ticket.
My cables just arrived.Give me a week to listen and i will comment on them.A word, if i do not like them i will place them up for sale.
they are a limited bandwidth rolled off colored sounding cable. not at all tranparent to the source. some people might like how it sounds in their systems , but neutral they are not.
Define your interpretation of band width,and not at all transparent to the source please. I am not bashing you,just trying to gain information.And what components did you hook up to?
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