Kubala-Sosna Cables..... I don't get it ?????

Why aren't these cables more widely used by us audiophiles....??? I've been auditioning these interconnects sent to me from a dealer and these are good.....My other cables on the short list to listen to are the Synergistic Absolute Reference X2's, Purist Audio Dominus....they are sweet, coherent, detailed and not popular.....I don't get it !!! Am I missing something ????? Are they just the flavor of the month cable ????
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There in no such a thing as the best but there are always fanatics like Ebm.
I had some expirience in compare KS and Stealth.
Stealth Dream power cable is better than any KS.
But Elation interconnect was better than Indra in my system.
Speaker cables I use Elation, but didn't compare with Stealth.
Digital I have Varidig Sextet which is still warming up.
KS emotion digital was not good enough for me.
At the end Elation interconnect and speaker are trully reference cables.
Digital still searching...
Murataltuev...If you are searching for the best digital cable I would recommend giving a listen to the MIT Oracle MA-X. I have both the Sextet and the MIT and, in my room, it's not even close. I searched through many digital cables to get here (including the KS) and feel confident this is the best to my ears.
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