What about power cords to mate Krell 650MC amps?

I bought a pair of Krell 650MC high-current amps.Could you advise what power cords to mate the pair of amps?
Thanks in advance.

System:Audio Research CDT1 transport---Tara Labs The One digital cable 1m XLR---Audior esearch DAC3---Tara Labs The One interconnect 1m XLR---Audio Research ReferenceII MkII---Tara Labs The One interconnect 2m XLR--- a pair of Krell 650MC amps--- home-made speaker wires 8'---Speakers:Duntech Sovereign 2001
I have an older Krell. (KSA 250) After trying many cords, (including a Virtual Master ) I am using a Shunyata Anaconnda Alpha.
My Krell is on a dedicated 30 Amp line.
Don't waste you money on a speciality power cord for the Krell. It will make very little difference. Use the power cord that came with the amplifier.
I agree with Drrdiamond BUT,

I replaced my Pure Note Sigmas with their enhanced Paragon PC and realized better sonics on my Krell amps. I bought them on sale for $250, 2m.