Need advise choosing speaker wire

I just purchased a pair of B&W 802D's. I use a Bryston 14bsst solid state amp and a deHavilland Ultraverve tube preamp. I have a Wadia 302 for my music source. I am in a huge quandry as to what speaker wires to buy...there are hundreds out there. I would like to bi-wire the B&W's. I guess I am looking for the cleanest, non-colored path to the speakers as I very much enjoy the Bryston-deHavilland combo. I really don't want to further "color" my signal with speaker wires as much as I can help it. Thanks for the help, Jim
go to an electronics store or electric motor repair place and purchase 12 guage magnet wire. don't buy it here, as it is WAY overpriced. the stuff retails for about $4 per pound. strip the ends and put it in place. double it up for biwire. the enamel coating is fine for insulation, and you will be very pleasantly surprised at the results.
The Oval 9 from Analysis Plus are very good and not that expensive used.Also another favorite of mine is the Kimber 8TC or better yet combined with 4TC in biwire mode.