I'm about to purchase these .I have done several searches and have read all the reviews.I've been using them for 2 weeks and love the sound.Just wondering if any one has opinons about them after using them or comparing them to other ICs.Before I take the plunge and spend 500$ on them .
Thank You
Are you sure that they don't roll off the high end or give false timbre or false timbre decay sound in your system?
If you "love the sound", thats all you are after so just get the cords and call it good. FYI - In my system, to my ears, the Au24 ics sounded thin and not very dynamic. For the price, they are not bad.

There are literally hundreds of other ICs with characteristics all over the board and people literally spend thousands and take years tuning their systems with ICs, etc. If you don't have to immerse yourself into this brain damage, you are that much further ahead.

Asking this sort of open-ended question is almost guaranteed to get you dozens of answers that probably won't help you very much, if anyone responds at all. Thats because this type question has been asked a number of times on this forum and answered ad nauseum. I would suggest you search for other similar threads to get more answers.