Transparent Speaker cable and interconnects

I have heard a few cables,

1) Taralabs
2) Nordos
3) MIT
4) Transparent
5) Shunyata Research

What is the best choice among these.Till now I like the Transparents.
WHY do you like the Transparents? And more important, what does your system consist of? And what kind of listening do you do most?

You can't expect a meaningful response when your question is so abstract.
My system is T+A intigrated amp, their digital decoder and the SADVD player. I am planning to buy the JM labs Diva Utopias and micro utopias. I like transparent Ultras, the configurations that I have made them more nuteral.

Listening mostely soft music.
OK, then I'd stick with the Transparent if I were you. ESPECIALLY until you've heard them with the JM speakers -- it should be a great combo. The only others you might like just a little better (meaning they might be a little more neutral) would be Purist Audio Dominus ($$$$) or Venustas ($$) but you should try before you buy -- use the Cable Company's audition service.