Transparent Speaker cable and interconnects

I have heard a few cables,

1) Taralabs
2) Nordos
3) MIT
4) Transparent
5) Shunyata Research

What is the best choice among these.Till now I like the Transparents.
Yes T+A is amazing for the price they offer. I heard the ARCAM, Krell and a few others also but this stuff is amazing. JM labs Divas make an exceptional combo too with it. They out perform my B&W 800's.
TRANSPARENT is the best power,interconnect/speaker cable I've heard. You have a very fine system. The mm models, that's the current cable is better than the previous one. All have been worth the price. They are sometimes on Audiogon. When I see a lot of a company or product on Audiogon I always wonder why. Transparent isn't seen alot.
Good listening, PH
I have recently tried several different balanced ICs - top models from Fadel Art, AudioQuest, Cardas, Nordost and Transparent Reference w/MM.

Fadel Art Coherence was the best one - the most organic, natural sounding - very coherent indeed.

The close second was AQ Sky - almost as good as Fadel, but a tiny bit brighter on top and not THAT smooth. Skys are the cables I'm using right now, but I will probably switch to Fadel Coherence.

The all other cables I have tried, were more or less problematic. The Nordost was too lean in lower midrange, Cardas was simply not transparent enough, and Transparent was not harmonicly correct (which was a big surprise for me). Transparent was also twice as expensive as Fadel.
I'd suggest Stealth cables. They just blew away my Synergistic Absolute Ref. cables in every area. I'll soon upgrade to all Stealth cables, power, IC, and speaker cables. They are very natural sounding and reasonably priced. Just give them a try.