Dedicated Lines and Wall Boxes

So, I've read up here on how to run dedicated lines, but I have one remaining question. Do people run the individual runs of 12-2 cable down between the same wall studs and use a multiple-gang box, or is it better to run the cables down seperate wall cavities and use seperate boxes?


I would go with 3 dedicated lines 1 for your AMP/AMPS, 1 for your digital equipment and 1 for your analog equipment. As far as the location keep in mind that most power cords are 6' in length even for aftermarket unless you want to pay for the extra length. From a sound stage stand point your option 1 layout is the best.

As displayed in your other diagrams and per Alberts suggestion placing absorbution (SP) pannels at the first reflection points is a good idea. Also with your laminate flooring a nice wool throw rug infront of your speakers would help.

Good luck

Thanks Albert. I am sure you will forget more than I will ever know about AC for Audio. I always value experience over theory, and with these things you hear too much theory for my comfort. Nevertheless, I always like to know the "why" about things if possible.

Happy New Year to all.
Thank you for the kind words and sorry for any misunderstanding.

Happy New Year to you too, and everyone at Audiogon.
So I must design an audio grade non ferrous mechanically direct coupled brass electrical box.Tom
Albert - I understand that you either sell or have a good source for outlets. I'm getting ready to run 4 dedicated lines; 3 - 20amp 120v circuits and 1 - 20 amp 240v circuit. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to email me directly.

Thanks, Mark