Dedicated power,long power cords - waste of time?

I am thinking about putting in a couple of dedicated lines but if I do this I will require extra long power cords, say about 20 feet in length, as the dedicated outlets must be installed across the room from where my system resides? There is no way around this.

Currently I have 3 pieces on 1 15 amp line. Bryston amp, Hovland preamp and my digital gear is plugged into a small BPT conditioner also on the same line. Installing 2 lines would allow me to drive the preamp and amp on their own lines and leave the digital alone on its own.

The downside is having to run 2 really long power cords which I would plug directly into the amp and preamp's IEC inlets.

Am I spinning my wheels here? Is this money down a rathole???

All opinions and/or related personal experiences are most welcome.
What do you mean "there is no way around it"?Can't you at the very least install them on the floor like commercial office spaces.Either surface installation or better recessed in the floor.Where is your room on the main floor or basement.Again my understanding is that there is no wall behind your system to install boxes so put them on the floor.
My home is a split level and the floor the room (quasi-basement)is on is concrete and is not accessible from below. Neither is it accessible from above as there is no way to fish a new line in. Yes I guess I could take power from inside to the outside of the house and run it 80 feet or so around my home and then bring it back into the house but thats unsightly as well as impractical. And I'll never be convinced that an 80' trench to hide the power line would be worth the benefit of dedicated power. I could move as well buts thats really not an option...

I could move the rig 20 feet to the other side of the room but then I'd have to get super long speaker cables that I'd have to hook up each time I was going to listen as they could not be left out for someone to trip over. I still have to do this with a long power cable but 2 long decently constructed power cables would cost less than comparable 20' speaker cables. I run Acoustic-Zen cables now and 20 footers would be serious money (at least for me)which in my estimation is much more than 2 long power cords.

I can accept that there might be some loss of power "quality" when using long cords but if the new dedicated lines from my box to the outlet is only about 20' and then an addtional 20' power cord right into the component would this not better than running say 80' around the house?
If you're going to run dedicated lines into the room that will still require 20' PC's from the outlets, how about extending the dedicated lines on the inside of your room instead of bringing it in from the outside, etc?

There is hollowed out moulding that is paintable that you can hide the Romex in, so as not to create an eyesore.

I'm sure there are other creative ways to get around your predicament but that's the first thing I thought of.
I don't understand. Why can't the dedicated line be brought up, right close to your rig? Dedicated lines, still, would be the preferred way to go. The reason for the dedicated lines is not to shorten the distance, anyway, but to isolate your rig from all other electrical interferrences, plus separte, most importantly, your digtal from analog. peace, warren

I installed a dedicted line for my equipment and did not hear a substantial improvement; maybe a blacker backgroound. So IMO depending on the quality of your power; mine is pretty good, you may or may not hear an impact. I would, if you havn't already, install a couple of good hospital grade outlets in the outlet box you are currently utilizing and upgrade the power cords on your equipment. I am not familiar with your power conditioning unit but you might want to try active power conditioning as well.

There is no-way I would use 20 foot power cords as the cost alone IMO would not be the most effective use of your dollars. I believe there are a couple of easier tweaks available to get you close to dedicated power; such as the ones mentioned above. I am not an electrician but maybe there is a way to install an isolation transformer on your existing line;again just some thoughts. In closing I would try and find an electrician who understands your situation and get some ideas.
