I don't think I originally made myself clear.Instead of the straight line connector,originally used on the Venustas,Jim used the Cardas "right angle" connector instead.However due to the pin positioning in the bottom 2.2 arm block this basically rendered the Cardas right angle connector as no better than if we went with the original connector.The cable,still ran sideways.No real big deal,but the IC-70 goes straight down,as the pin orientation is exactly lined to let the Graham right angle connector do it's thing.The Cardas,as supplied by Venustas did NOT require any additional adaptor.It worked just fine.

Also,please don't get me wrong.The Venustas DID give superb flat response,top to bottom.It's just that we DID do a very extensive comparison.Both cables compared with EXACT arm/cart parameters.Then both cables compared with a "small" voicing to what the three of us felt they both "liked the best".How many people do you think actually "like doing this"?It SUCKED,as I was the "schlep" set-up man!

In the first(no change case)there was really not nearly as big a difference as we'd have expected,except for a slight darkening in the Purist,with smooth,not rolled,highs.The IC-70 may have been a bit more diffuse,but had clearly more dynamics,and deeper bass.We are talking SMALL,but detectable differences.

In case two,we voiced to each cable's preferences,based upon how they related in the overall sound of my friend's system(quite legit,actually).Here a small voicing of fluid/downforce/vta(really small,btw)definitely impacted what our perceptions were.The overall slightly dark(in a good way,to my tasres)Purist cable was more enhanced in it's "harmonic" strengths,with the IC-70 edging it in dynamics and bass power(the Venustas was NO slouch in bass,though).These were our observations,though my friend who actually bought the SUPERB Venustas was really beginning to lose some credibility,as he clearly "wanted" the Venustas to smoke the IC-70,which it did not.

I tried to really be open minded,yet it was my friend SID,who is a qualified music and audio maven(BIG TIME),he wrote the original Mercury LP reviews for TAS,who really hit the comparison on all cylindars,and I really heard it ALL as he did.

The Venustas was,and is SUPERB.Really in ALL areas,but I don't think anyone touting the Purist stuff has done this particular comparison,as we did(real blood,and sweat)on Friday.Even you,Nsgarsh(and I definitely take all comments by you as knowledgeable,and informative,as well as pretty accurate)admitted to getting the Purist because it was a "good deal",which is FINE with me.You knew it was great,and could not,and did not go wrong!Yet,as is human nature, it is all too easy to dismiss another "no longer implemented in one's set-up" product as "significantly" inferior,which is what I've been led to believe about the IC-70.Well it simply is NOT the case,based upon our observations.The IC-70 is competitive,and I really think the "actual" system personality will dictate which is preferred.My friend's set-up is Kharma based,and we have always felt it was a bit lean.It is better now,no doubt.I run Avalons,with Cardas Golden Cross speaker cables(I had to run the Cardas for two reasons.First-I have to tri-wire,and anything else would be very expensive.Second-my Amp and speaker are cabled with Cardas,so it was common sense,to go this way).To me,a beautiful,articulate and warmer sound than my friend's stunning Kharmas.Maybe the IC-70 would meet my tastes,here.Who knows for sure?

Well that's about it,but I'm not definitely ruling out a change.

Best,as usual!!
Actually Speedy, there is a thread somewhere here (if I'm not mistaken, you were a participant) in which the Purist, Hovland and Graham were compared. See if you can find it. I'll look too.
I think I posted that one. But it was using the Graham IC50. Btw, I've enjoyed reading this thread. I too, have spent countless hours redailing in my TT/arm with the Purist Venestas. Something about these better cable reveals more.
BTW-I too had the original IC-30.My friend did,as well.When we both moved to the IC-70,there was NO contest.The IC-70,here,was a clear winner.Please don't think I'm going on some IC-70 "binge".I would love to move to a possibly better link,but I have to be really careful,and follow my own methodology,unless some of you more well off Audiogoners would like to give me a freebie.

Speedy, you're right, I don't think I've read anything about the IC-70? The IC-50, yes, but not the 70. Is it something more recent?

Not that I'm about to give up my Venustas, or if/when I do, it'll be because I scored a killer deal on a Dominus, if John doesn't get there first, that is ;~))

No one ever mentioned it before John just did, but it's so true that as you move up to really great phono cables, you can "zero in" further on your TT/arm setup as you are able to refine the setup and hear subtle differences you couldn't before. For example:

Yesterday, I spent a couple hours re-leveling my TT and then arm/platter level match. Then redoing the anti-skate. The improvements in image and channel balance were obvious, not only to my ears, but I was using the Cardas record and a pair of accurate VU meters which I finally got set properly to match the specified dB levels on the record. What a trip! So guess what Virginia? You can make big improvements in your system for zero dollars + your time, and that's the 'art" part of this hobby (for those who may think I'm just a science guy ;~))

My next step I think will be to have the four Camac connectors on my beloved Levinson 25s phono preamp changed for RCAs (which the later models had ;~(( I can no longer bear the thought of four unnecessary contact points in my phono signal path! I was going to ask Jim Aud if he'd reterminate my Venustas RCAs with Camacs, but I was afraid he'd never speak to me again!