recommendation for best low cost rca interconnect


I have a dvd audio player that I want to listen to from time to time. The player is denon 1920 and costs only $300. I have a wonderful Lamm amplifier and wilson speakers and listen to mostly cds. Can someone recommend a good bang for buck rca cable to use for the dvd audio player. I am thinking since the dvd audio player is $300 that I don't want to spend more than half of that for the cable.

thanks in advance

I've rewired my entire system with Petra ICs at $4.95 for a 6-foot pair. Replaced all my megabuck cables; so have some of my friends. Available at in both two-conductor and three-conductor (component video cable) versions No affiliation, etc. Dave
I have a few pair of those MAS Black, and they are a good cheap cable. MAS (Stu Wein) still sells the slightly more expensive Gray cable new for $60. Screen name is Audioparts I believe. Just type Mas Gray into the search box on the home page.
Outlaw PCA's. You can get 3 pair for DVD-A for less than the cost for one pair of some of the other suggestions. I used them for DVD-A when I listened to that format. Well-built, continuous cast copper with locking rca's.

Now you're talkin' :-) Thanks so much.

I know it helps (me at least) to have some frame of reference when it comes to ICs, and for that matter - the rest of this wacked out audio world in too... :-)

thanks again.

Grannyring, Thanks for mentioning your Joseph Chow IC experience. His pricepoint is still quite reasonable. Do you find that when you hear something surpassingly good that its superiority extends to more than one system, or to more than one position in the signal chain?
I have found that if there is a "wow" experience it is not by inserting a new flavor of reproduction, but rather by seeming to hear more of everything in the recording and within the hardware's capabilities. It becomes hard to imagine something is still escaping detection in the recording.
Also, in a good system, even when better IC's expose poor recordings for what they are, there is an absence of the jarring or irritating quality which poor recordings used to convey. So, the net effect is that more recordings can be enjoyed.