Cable Break-in....again?

I recently purchased a used set of cables. According to the prior owner, the cables had been given roughly 120 hours of play time (the required break-in time according to the manufacturer). However, it seems that once I install the cables in my system, I can hear them break-in again, as if they were new.

Do you think that once a cable (either speaker or interconnect) has been disconnected for a period of time, they require another break-in period?
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Tvad ,sorry,i was a bit slow catching your first post,wish i would have thought of that
I bought a pr of AQ King Cobras brand new a while back,,they sounded much better after a couple weeks,,about a month later i bought another brand new pr.and they did not sound good,so i changed them back and forth a few times and could def. tell the diff. between the new one and old one,,