Power Cable - what´s your best?


I´m interested in getting a really good but not expensive Powercord for my Burmester CD/DAC and Amplifier. Now I use the PC Audioquest AC-15 and it´s really good for the price and sounds right. I´m searching for the same (smooth) sound, but stronger - especially on the low side, a bit more detailed (not brighter!!)and more threedimensional. Are the WW PC the solution? The price shouldn´t be over 200..300 $. Thanks!
Another vote for the VH Audio PCs. I've got a couple Flavor 4s and an Airsine. Chris does great work!

check it out here .... http://www.vhaudio.com

The only downside with VH Audio is that you rarely ever seem them used here on 'Gon -- but the price on a Flavor 4 is excellent and worth every penny.
Why shouldn't the price be over $200.00 to $300.00?
Was your interconnect and speaker wire budgeted in a similar fashion?
Try out a $300.00 cable and then try a Shunyata Anaconda,but not unless you have quality cables elsewhwere.
You might as well make your own for $50.00.
I strongly recommend DCCA power cables,one of the best
I have tried,email Don He will be able to help you
for the budget you have.
Pure Note Paragon, $250 when they are on sale. Nice and flexible, black background, no compression. FWIW.
Within a one year period, I owned the following power cords:

Harmonic Technology Fantasy $325
Harmonic Technology Pro AC 11 $195
Kimber Palladian PK 10 $1100
TG Audio SLVR $500
Synergistic Research Reference Master $1200
Foundation Research LC-1 $795

All performed well, my favorites being the Paladian and LC-1's in the bunch. There is one cable that outperforms all of these by a wide margin. It sells for between $140-$180 and is available here on A'gon for as little as $80. The Supra Lorad 2.5. No kidding, my system is wired only with these cables now and they are musical and detailed. I have no association with Supra or any sales organization selling them. This is just one outstanding cord regardless of price.