Anybody tried 20th Anniversary Purist cables?

Any reviews, tests against other top of the line IC's, Speaker cables?

I've heard that they are really very good (also very expensive) but how do they perform in different systems, against other cables?
Nutella, are you not an Italian chocolate spread. Great on toast.

just buy some beldon cable a buck a foot put some shrink wrap on it ok RCA's and there you go. Its not rocket science.

Strip the cable and I bet you its Either made by beldon or pirelli and a 100 foot spool is like 100.00. Then Purist puts a pretty jacket on it.
Maplelaughs, I have done all the relevant diy cable recepies and while most are good, they don't compare to any of the cables in my system. The cheapest being $200.
BTW my moniker was what popped into my head when I first went on the 'gon to replace the speaker cables my chocolate lab helped destroy.
John and Tvad,

You findings on the Anniversary cables are interesting. I am not sure what's going on, but I heard almost the opposite in my system when comparing them to Venustas and other cables. It was as if a scrim was put over my view of the music as the AA cables were most subtractive in upper octave energy. Both the Venustas and Sky that I have for comparison restored detail and resolution when I went back to them. The AA felt very soft in the bottom end as well.............. Hmmmmmm

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